Home Education Horoscope Today, Apr 4, 2024: Check astrological prediction for Aries, Taurus and other signs | Horoscope Today

Horoscope Today, Apr 4, 2024: Check astrological prediction for Aries, Taurus and other signs | Horoscope Today

Horoscope Today, Apr 4, 2024: Check astrological prediction for Aries, Taurus and other signs | Horoscope Today


ARIES HOROSCOPE TODAY: Pick your own time

No matter how anxious you may be to get certain enterprises underway, there’s no need to hurry. Recent hold-ups have made you impatient, and rightly so, but you have until the end of the year to make a fresh start. Pick your own time and don’t be rushed.

TAURUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: you can just relax

Do you imagine that you have had to abandon a number of projects because of a lack of understanding or sympathy from other people? If so, you are not looking honestly at your part in events. But, then, why should you? Sometimes you can just relax and stay as you are.

GEMINI HOROSCOPE TODAY: some chance of mechanical difficulties

Adverse or challenging aspects recently have made you feel that the world has been out to get you. However, the best way to keep your spirits up is to realise that beneath it all, people really are on your side. There seems to be some chance of mechanical difficulties around today, so check for problems.

CANCER HOROSCOPE TODAY: your ideas will have time to mature

Saturn advises caution and restraint for a little while longer, advice which may not suit your imaginative and ambitious plans. Still, if you allow events to take their own course, your ideas will have time to mature. You may feel as if you’re carrying the world on your shoulders. But that just shows how strong you are, doesn’t it?

LEO HOROSCOPE TODAY: A child may be feeling shaken

Current planetary transits should leave you jumping for joy. The planets are rearranging themselves in such a way that tension and pressure will be relieved while pleasure and enjoyment should be enhanced. A child may be feeling shaken, even though they may not be showing it, so be considerate.

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VIRGO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Some of you may be considering a move

As the Sun, and then Mercury, align themselves with the angle of your horoscope ruling your home, domestic considerations will become more and more of an issue. Some of you may be considering a move in the near future, or a similar improvement in your home conditions. There is some way to go yet, though.

LIBRA HOROSCOPE TODAY: you’ve plenty of time to take the necessary action

Sometimes the planets have to be firm to be kind, and what they are planning now is a change of tack in joint financial affairs. The deadline looms but probably not until next week at the earliest, so you’ve plenty of time to take the necessary action.

SCORPIO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Do not relax your guard

Your biggest weakness at the moment may be complacency. Do not relax your guard for one moment, at least not until you are absolutely sure that you are out of danger. Partners may wrongly accuse you of letting them down, but perhaps they should have done more for themselves!


You may wait until after tomorrow if you want to broach sensitive emotional issues. Today, you should make sure that partners are prepared to listen to what you are planning to say. Above all, be tolerant. After all, you may just be responsible for the problems you criticise in others.

CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE TODAY: will be pleasant to discover how popular you are

You may still feel rather isolated, never a pleasant sensation. However, if you are separated from those you love and care for, why not do something about it? You may be surprised by the welcome response you receive. It will be pleasant to discover how popular you are.

AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: Focus on professional and career relationships

It may be time to clear away some of the debris that still seems to be cluttering up your life after recent emotional traumas. Focus on professional and career relationships, as these are where you will gain. Remember, if your dreams are to come true, you’ll have to pay for them!

PISCES HOROSCOPE TODAY: your path is clear

Overall, it’s a positive moment. There haven’t been many years when you can remember being so concerned about personal matters but, even though you have faced obstacles in the past, it is finally beginning to look as if your path is clear. And that just has to be cause for rejoicing.


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