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What is it and why use it?

What is it and why use it?


Vertical scaling consists in adding computing power to an existing infrastructure, without modifying it. This means there’s no need to modify the code pool of an application, since it will simply be run on machines with better characteristics.

Scaling up increases the capacity of a single machine, and boosts its performance. The advantage of vertical scaling is that it keeps data on a single node, and distributes the load between CPU and RAM resources.

The aim of vertical scaling is to add CPU, RAM and memory resources to a single node to cope with a growing workload. This method makes it possible to increase existing hardware or software capacity.

However, it’s important to note that there is a limit to how much capacity can be added to a server. In the Cloud, vertical scaling consists of adding a server or replacing a server with a more powerful one.

In a data center, vertical scaling means adding resources to a single node. It’s possible to change instance size, buy more powerful devices and replace older ones.

Vertical scaling is commonly used by small and medium-sized businesses. This is because it enables relatively rapid expansion compared with horizontal scaling. On the other hand, this approach carries the risk of downtime and breakdowns.

It’s important to supply resources correctly to avoid these negative effects. Another disadvantage of vertical scaling is its high cost.


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